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Fire & EMS Department

Station 12 Emergency 911 | Fire Dept.: 740-425-3054 | EMS Dept.: 740-425-3368

Barnesville Fire Department

The Barnesville Fire Department has 40 firemen on the roster with one Fire Chief and one Assistant Fire Chief. The Barnesville Fire Department is well supplied with two engines, one ladder truck, one tanker, one brush truck, one utility truck, one boat and UTV with trailer. The fire department has a coverage area of 83 sq. miles, including the Village of Barnesville, Warren Township, Kirkwood Township, part of Flushing Township, the Northwest part of Piedmont Lake, and parts of Goshen and Wayne Townships off of the Sandy Ridge area. Mutual aid calls to surrounding villages are also covered. The department’s response time off station is four minutes from the time of tones.

Barnesville EMS Department

Barnesville EMS currently serves the community with a roster of eighteen (18) employees. Of those employees, four (2) are Emergency Medical Responders, eleven (11) EMTs, three (3) Advanced EMTs, six (6) Paramedics. Currently, a duty crew of two (2) members is on duty 24/7 providing coverage to the community.

Barnesville EMS operates with two ambulances. Both are equipped to handle ALS (advanced life support).

In 2022 Barnesville EMS answered 1,102 medical emergencies, this includes calls in the coverage area as well as mutual aid. Also, 190 medical transports were taken out of Barnesville Hospital.

We would like to thank the community for their continued support! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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