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Water & Sewer Department

Water & Sewer Department

The Village of Barnesville Water & Sewer Departments goal is and always has been, to provide to you a safe and dependable supply of drinking water.

The Barnesville Water Department works around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap. We want customers to help us protect our water services and to be informed about their water utility.

The Village of Barnesville water system uses surface water drawn from Reservoir #1 on Township Road 25, Reservoir #2 was added as a source in 2007 and is located on County Road 122, and Slope Creek Reservoir in Somerset Township. These three bodies of water account for over 800 million gallons of water in raw water storage. The water from these three sources requires treatment before it can be used as drinking water.

Water Monitoring & Testing

The Barnesville Water Department does periodic water monitoring and testing in accordance to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, such as lead and copper, disinfectant byproducts, bacteria samples, chlorine and hardness. The results are published and made available to residents annually in our Consumer Confidence Report.  Click here to view the current report.

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