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Welcome to our New Website

Welcome to the new Village of Barnesville website! Our new website has many new features with new features to be added. Make sure you take a look around the website and take your time to navigate through. Below are some highlights to the new website:

  • New Search Feature: You are now able to search the website to easily find news, information, forms etc. by using the search feature located in the top right.
  • Accessibility Options: Those that need accessibility options now have an option to use the tools located toward the right side of the screen to set various accessibility options to better their experience on our webpage. These options are available on desktop website version only.
  • Email Contact Form: We have integrated a contact form on the contact page to send emails to various village departments.
  • News & Announcement section: Added to easily find news and various announcements when they are made. Featured on the homepage of the website.
  • Forms, Meeting Minutes, and Newsletters: Added so you can view them online without download or can download. These are now located in their own sections of the website with a direct link from the homepage, making it easier to locate.
  • CodeRED Implementation, as well as, quick announcements: The website has ability to display CodeRED information as well as any emergency or alerts on our website. Depending on severity of the information the information may be posted on each page at the top of the page or on the front page.
  • Report A Concern: Section added to help those needing to report concerns to the Village. Contact information on who to call for various issues are on the page, as well as a contact form.
  • Police Department New Items: The Police Department has a online form to report anonymous tips to the department. Also the department now has an option to not only report non-violent crimes in-person but you may also complete an online form or download a statement form. Online accident reports are now linked to the page to obtain an accident report from the State of Ohio Crash Portal. The department has also added other resources that would be helpful to the community.
  • New Events Calendar: Our new events calendar is now implemented throughout the website and is now displayed on the main page. Community members may still submit events for our calendar by completing an online form. Events must be taking place within the corporation limit.
  • Business Directory: The village use to maintain a business directory that was only for local businesses that has websites. This new directory is now open to every business, with or without a website or social media page. The directory will only be limited to businesses that are located within the Barnesville corporation limit and those that have a Barnesville, OH physical address. We imported businesses that were previously on the old site into the new one and began adding businesses. However, if you do not see yours listed you may submit it by using the form linked on the local businesses page.
  • Notifications: Toward the bottom left side of the screen is an icon that allows you to opt-in to alert notifications from our website. You will get notifications anytime a new post is made in News & Announcements, or if a alert is issued on the website for village concerns or information.
  • Email Notifications: You can also receive notifications by email for latest news & announcements and also get our newsletter when its released. Sign up for this notification by visiting:

If you have any questions about the new website, suggestions, or comments you can contact the webmaster by using the contact form on the contacts page and in the drop down select webmaster. More features will be added as we roll out the new website, new features will be announced here in the news & announcement section of the website. If you wanted to look at the old version of the website, it is still available here:

Community members that have taken photos, drone photos or videos of various areas of Barnesville, you are more than welcome to submit your photos to be added onto the website. You can email them to: They may very well appear on our website.