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Report a Concern

Report A Concern

Please see the options below to report a concern to the Village of Barnesville.

Electric Issues or Power Outages

If you are experiencing electric issues or power issues please contact your power company to get it resolved. If during cold or warm months and you are in need of a cooling or heating shelter, please refer to Belmont County EMA for listing of shelters or inquire with the Barnesville Police Department 740-425-1976.

Street Light Out

If you notice a Street Light out please contact:

Police, Fire or EMS

If you need to report a concern to first responders please call:

Code Enforcement

For code enforcement or property maintenance complaints contact:

Water or Sewer Issue

For a water or sewer issue such as waterline break, backed up sewers, etc. Please contact the Water Department by calling 740-425-3672 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm (closed on holidays). After hours or holidays, contact the Police at 740-425-1976.

Street Issue

For a street issue such as pot holes or downed trees in roadway, plugged storm drains, etc. Please contact the Street Department by calling 740-425-4501 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm (closed on holidays). After hours or holidays, contact the Police at 740-425-1976.

Park Issue

For issues at the Barnesville Park contact the Park Office by calling 740-425-3012 . After hours or holidays, contact the Police at 740-425-1976.

Public Works or Village Concerns

You can contact the Village Administrator by calling 740-425-1880 . Emergency after hours or holidays, contact the Police at 740-425-1976.

Report a Concern Online

If your concern does not require immediate attention, please complete the form below to submit a concern to the Village of Barnesville by email.