Below is a listing of services that are available to the residents and surrounding community. This listing helps showcase what all is available in our community. If you see a listing below that needs updated or would like to add a listing please contact the webmaster on the contact page.
Barnesville Post Office
The Barnesville Post Office opened in 1935 at the current Church Street location after a historic dedication of the beautiful building. Currently, the Post Office has eight employees, who drive a total of 250 miles on six routes while making their daily deliveries. The Post Office delivers approximately 3,300 residential and business customers and services 220 post office boxes. The lobby is open 24-hours and is available for the convenience of post office customers and anyone wanting to mail letters.
Address: 116 E Church St, Barnesville, OH 43713
Phone: 740-425-2524
Hours: 24/7 Lobby
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM to Noon
Official Website
Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library
The Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library is a public library and offers a wide variety of services for the public such as book rentals, internet access, word processing computers, printing, typewriter, photocopying, lamination, and fax services.
Address: 308 E Main St, Barnesville, OH 43713
Phone: 740-425-1651
Official Website
Barnesville Senior Center
Most older adults remain independent most or all of their lives. Unfortunately, there are many others who find themselves needing help with daily living activities such as meal preparations or getting to their medical appointments. When an older adult cannot provide for themselves these basic needs, SSOBC offers many different options, providing services which allow our county’s elderly to live independently in their own homes longer. Services are made possible in part by funds generated through Belmont County’s Senior Services Levies, Federal Title Ill and PASSPORT programs through the Area Agency on Aging-Region 9, as well as donations from those we serve.
Address: 229 E Main St, Barnesville, OH 43713
Phone: 740-425-9101
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Official Website
Barnesville Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)
Driver License – Auto Registration New & Renewals, Temporary Permit Packets & 30 Day Tags, & Notary Services.
Address: 130 W Main St, Barnesville, OH 43713
Phone: 740-425-1028
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5 PM; Saturday 8:00 AM to Noon
Official Website
Transportation Services
Transportation services available to residents and visitors:
- Barnesville Taxi Service – Phone: 740-425-9900